Customer Testimonials

I want to share with you the results of putting nitrogen in my vehicles. My daughter drives a 2005 Tahoe Z-71. I did not tell her I had the nitrogen put into her tires. With no prompting she called to ask me what I had done to improve the handling in her vehicle. She thought I had replaced the shocks or done something different to make it feel more solid on the road. She also told me she had noticed her tanks of gas lasting a little longer, so I asked her to check her MPG. She did and found her miles per gallon were 2 MPG better or about 10% from where she was at 18 on the highway.

My wife was very skeptical when I told her I was putting nitrogen in her new Cadillac SRX. Her words were “I love the ride now, please don’t do anything to change what I have now!” I assured her that if it did not improve her ride we could easily remove the nitro. She was amazed at the difference and has also seen an extra 60 miles to her tank of gas as she runs often between Kernersville and Atlanta to see our grandchildren.

The product is real and does what you say it will do. I have noticed that the air pressure stays constant to the pound and does not loose air or increase with heat of Summer. I am very satisfied customer and thanks for introducing me to your nitrogen product.
Barry MoodyVice President of Marketing
Universal Trucking Services, Inc.

Recently had opportunity to replace tire air with nitrogen. We just returned from vacation in the upper mid west and got an average of 21-22 MPG with a best of 23.2 MPG in our 2004 Toyota Fore Runner. We had previously gotten between 18-19 MPG before the change. Fuel savings on this trip paid for the change to nitrogen alone. Handling was better as well.
Kernersville, NC

My ’99 Riviera now rides like new again with the nitrogen. I really can’t tell much difference in the mileage but almost all my driving lately has been local and with the heat the AC runs full blast all the time making an accurate comparison difficult.

Definitely worth the money. I have saved on my gas mileage and also saved money on tire rotations. Instead of every other oil change I now rotate my tires every third oil change. My SUV also handles much better.
Linda G.
Kernersville, NC

I just wanted to thank you for performing this service on my 2002 Pontiac Bonneville. The car rides and handles better, and I have also increased my fuel economy between 2-3 MPG. I drive approximately 4,000 miles monthly, and this will obviously save me money over time. The service has already paid for itself!
Jim T
Madison, NC

We want to thank you for the wonderful service we always receive at your shop. We love the confidence we have in being able to take our cars to you and knowing you’ll do a great job! We would enthusiastically recommend you and your staff. Thanks also to Derek. He always makes himself available to answer questions!

Adrian & Clint
Kernersville, NC

With nitrogen in my tires I’m getting 25 miles more to my tank of fuel. I get a quieter ride and smoother control. I’d do it again and want it for other drivers in my family.
Kernersville, NC

Thanks for recommending nitrogen for my tires. It’s great; the tires make a big difference in the way it handles. It is saving on gas and that’s good as gas prices are high. Made a trip to W.Va. & nitrogen saved me money on gas and I felt more secure.
Dee L
Kernersville, NC

Very pleased after having nitrogen put in my tires. Our gas mileage increased 2+ MPG with stop and go driving and 3-4 MPG on trips. Smoother ride and better “grab” when breaking.
Kernersville, NC

With nitrogen in my tires, driving feels smoother….I noticed the difference as soon as I got into my car and pulled out of my parking space. Nitrogen has also improved my gas mileage, which has saved me money, something I really appreciate.
Kernersville, NC

I can’t say enough about how easy Mac Allen and Havoline xpress lube make it for someone to maintain there car. The staff comes out to meet you and takes care of everything. They are very knowledgeable about all aspects of vehicle maintainence. I have had my oil changed, new windshield wipers, NC inspection,and new tires with nitrogen. All a customer has to do is wait in his clean, comfortable waiting area. Mac makes taking care of your car as painless as possible!
Lou Ann Peters